Dump cake the healthy way for my ms friends!

Okay, we are getting ready to go to Hiawassie in GA here for their county fair. I love dump cake made in the dutch oven when camping.

Dutch oven dump cake healthy organic recipe. Helping those with ms eat healthy.
Dutch oven dump cake healthy organic recipe. Helping those with ms eat healthy.

Only issue is, is that its very unhealthy for me for its full of carbs, calories and sugar! Well I have started to tweek the recipe so its healthy. Its actually gonna be a fp for THM.

I hope you enjoy this Vanilla Cake Master Mix. The vanilla cake is great for the dutch oven. For the fruit part your gonna take a berry of your choosing, add two c. of water bring to a boil and then slowly add some Glucomannan to thicken. I use about 2 TBS. You just have to do a little at a time until it reaches the thickness you desire.

Vanilla Cake Master Mix (THM-FP)

Mix all ingredients with a whisk in a container with lid. Cover with lid and store in refrigerator or freezer. (Note: This Master Mix should probably be stored in the refrigerator because of the whey protein powder, which has to be refrigerated.)

Note: Before using mix, make sure to give it a stir or two to make sure all the ingredients are mixed well and did not separate.

Yield: Makes enough master mix to make about 8 servings.

** If you find that the Vanilla Cake is not sweet enough, just add more sweetener to the Master Mix OR sprinkle in a little more stevia powder when mixing it up to bake!

Take this cake mix and pour it over top of the fruit filling I instructed you to make above. Add half a stick of whole organic butter in small pats, and 1 c of water. Do not stir just layer it. Cook over open fire for about 30 min.

So what do you make when you go camping?

Thrive Market Online Store Free Two Month Membership

Ever want to change how your eating from the not so good to ever awaiting great? But you just don’t know where to start and what should you buy? Below I’m gonna give you some beginners that you can restock your shelves with in the kitchen…so where are you gonna get em at a good price? I use Thrive Market…you can check out Thrive by clicking my affiliate link here:  http://thrv.me/mhrRw7

So what is Thrive Market? Thrive is an online store where you get all the natural and organic foods and staples known to man all in one place, at a discounted price. Some items are at least 50% off what you would pay in the stores, but prices vary on all items. If you use the following code when checking out: 2FREE

You will get two months free membership so you can get a feel as to whether or not the stores for you. I love it and all the variety it provides. They have all sorts of items that you can’t normally get in the store. For ex: Seventh Generation feminine pads. They are chlorine and toxic free. Yea we are gonna have a topic and discussion on that soon!

Certain foods really are packed with nutrition that can jump start your health. Here are some great picks for the five superfoods every newbie should get familiar with–plus five you’ve got to try if you’re already a superfood pro.

For Beginners:
Camu Berry

Reddish and about the size of a grape, the camu berry is the most concentrated source of vitamin C on the planet, which makes it incredible for rebuilding tissues, boosting immune systems, and increasing energy. The berries are also touted for their antidepressant qualities. This versatile camu berry and almond butter spread is a great way to try  it for yourself.

Bee Pollen

Nope, bee pollen isn’t going to kick your allergies into high gear. Bee pollen actually contains almost all of the essential B vitamins and all 21 essential amino acids, which makes it a complete protein source. A scoop added into smoothies, or even just a spoonful dipped in raw honey, will deliver an entire day’s worth of nutrients!


Hemp protein is an incredible, vegan-friendly way to get your daily intake of protein. Loaded with iron, amino acids, vitamin E, and omega-3’s, hemp products provide more healthy essential fatty acids than any other nut or seed.


Historically, maca has been used as an aphrodisiac—cue the romantic music—but this root commonly found in powder form does a lot more than help you out in the bedroom. Known for its energy boosting qualities, maca actually contains five times the protein and four times the fiber of a potato. Add it to nearly anything to get an extra energy boost!


The OG of superfoods, cacao knocks it out of the park when it comes to health benefits. Cacao is a source of antioxidants, magnesium, iron, and chromium, which improves cardiovascular health and supports building strong bones. And it doesn’t hurt that it tastes great, too!

For Pros:
Mangosteen Powder

There is some research suggesting that mangosteen extract may have an effect on cancer cells, but the results aren’t concrete enough to promote this as a ‘superfood’ quite yet. Mangosteen is still super high in vitamin C and fiber, but if you’re looking for a more readily available substitute, papaya is a great choice, nearly matching mangosteen in every nutrient category.

Goji and Golden Berries

We love these little guys for their high nutrient content and great taste. Golden berries, a close relation, are equally tasty but have a lower sugar content and are higher in protein compared to other small berries. Try them over yogurt or in your trail mix.


Sea vegetables are some of the most nutrient dense eats available, but the salty taste can be overwhelming to some. Check out spirulina instead. Loaded with enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients, and trace elements, its actually incredibly high in protein. You can add it to water if you don’t mind the taste, but if you can’t stomach the flavor try it in tablet form.


Wheatgrass had a moment in the late 90’s, and if you tried it then you can probably remember exactly why you never did another wheatgrass shot again. Not exactly palatable in liquid form, wheatgrass has some redeeming qualities like its high iron and vitamin A levels,  but it turns out you’re just as well off opting for broccoli or chlorophyll instead! Bonus points to chlorophyll for it’s smell fighting properties.

Pearl Powder and Sesame Seeds

Pearl powder has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat acne and promote beautiful skin. While there are plenty of benefits to using crushed pearls for your skin, including the increase in collagen and the high concentration of calcium, you can bet that this treatment can get kinda pricey. Want to see the same healthy skin benefits? Try eating more sesame seeds. These little guys are high in calcium and packed with amino acids, plus they contain the healthy fats that keep your skin glowing and youthful!

Tuesday Deals!

FREE Kindle eBooks:

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Bored No More: A Children’s Book about Creativity Kindle Edition

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Minimalist Budget: 50 Minimalist Budget Practical Strategies To Organize Your Life And Personal Finances
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Sugar Free Recipes: Speedy and Easy 30 MINUTE Sugar Free Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert – Sugar Detox Diet Support

Weekly specials and freebies for those with ms and ms symptoms to help them control their disease naturally.
Weekly specials and freebies for those with ms and ms symptoms to help them control their disease naturally.

This week’s best coupons:

What to drink?

With having MS I try to monitor not what I just eat and drink but what my whole family eats and drinks as well. So what is the number issue for our son? The idea that children should drink fruit juice regularly.

On a hot summer day at the lake, we are always surrounded by kids consuming fruit juice from boxes.

In the grocery store line, moms with the WIC vouchers and their buggy full of Juicy Juice.

At our homeschool meet up days at the Shoals,  the juice boxes are on ice waiting for the kids to lift the cooler lid and to help themselves.

Restaurants now offer it as a healthy alternative to soda pop.

The world turning idea that fruit juice is a good a way as any to get the many and much needed healthy vitamins and minerals into our kids while as the same time of hydrating them even if the juice is organic is a myth, and here is why …

Why Any Type Of Juice Even Natural and Organic Is not Healthy

1. High in Sugar Content

Many if not most of the fruit juice we all purchase at the store are loaded up with sugar. Even if we each choose for the “no sugar added” alternatives, your kid is still consuming in sugar. For fruit has it’s own natural sugars which is still sugar.

When you juice a piece of fruit, you’re left with concentrated fructose – naturally occurring sugar. Our bodies treat sugar as sugar whether it’s fructose or sucrose. So even the new act of juicing isn’t all that good for us or our kids. This hidden sugar is the reason why a lot of those trying to live healthy are still putting on the pounds or suffering with diabetes.

The sugar in fruit juices rather it be naturally occurring or added, causes our blood sugars to elevate giving you a quick burst of energy, but once the sugar is cycled through your system your levels suddenly drop leaving you worn, tired and irritable.

Sounds very familiar?

When we each take in or consume fruit straight from the actual fruit its self, the fiber is there to help slow the intake of the sugar into each of our bodies. So this means that eating the actual orange or apple is way better for both us and our children’s bodies than consuming the apple or orange juice from a box or jug.

2. Filled With Many Not Needed and Empty Calories

Fruit juices being so high in calories will fill up anyone quickly consuming them. Which is why I believe most kids won’t actually eat foods that their little bodies need to grow and to develop. Fruit juice just doesn’t contain much nutrition. Any pros for it is readily overcame by the unhealthy cons of drinking it.

In addition, the main bulk of fruit juices are pasteurized, going through a heating process to ensure all bacteria is eliminated for safe consumption. So… What bit of nutrition the juice did have has now been cooked out of it, which means the supplier probably has had to add back in the vitamins and minerals that were stripped from it in the pasteurizing process, which leads to us to the following reason… number three.

The idea that fruit juice is a good way to get healthy vitamins and minerals into children while hydrating them is a myth. My kids don't drink juice everyday ... here's what they drink instead.

3. Contains Unwanted Ingredients

When it comes down to buying the all ready made and conventional juices, that choice is gonna come with added ingredients that you really don’t want, and surely don’t need.

If you don’t choose 100% fruit juice, then you’re also choosing high fructose corn syrup and some type of man made sweetener, artificial colors, fake flavorings, and the list goes on – arsenic anyone?

And since the juice has been pasteurized and lacking of nutrients, the manufacturer adds in different synthetic forms of vitamins and or minerals that were stripped off but legally required to be in the juice.

Phew….Now what a mouthful!

The bottom line is that when we process anything, and take it out of its God given meant to be state,  we mess up a good thing.

4. Increases Carb and Sugar Cravings

Last but not least, over and over fruit juice consumption increases both ours and our children’s cravings for sweet foods and drinks. It’s just the way sugar works. http://lifehacker.com/5809331/what-sugar-actually-does-to-your-brain-and-body

Let’s summarize all this up short and sweet, no pun intended

What is fruit juice?

Water & Sugar

And if you don’t choose 100% real fruit juice, most times your gonna end up with chemicals and other unwanted ingredients.

Truth in all, fruit juice is liquid candy in a box and should be recognized as such when it comes to allowing ourselves or our children to consume it on a daily basis.

So what do me and my family drink instead of juice?

1. Water

It sounds boring, but water is essential to health. Because my kids were use to our back in the day consumption of fruit juice and Koolaid this was an adjustment for us. We decided to do the following:

We like to add whole fruit pieces like berries to our water to flavor it as well as Walmarts natural fruit flavoring made with Stevia to make it a little more easier going down.

2. Milk

We all like our milk but because of its sugar as well we limit it to one cup a day in the morning. Its part of our “Trim Healthy Mama” way of eating so we don’t totally eliminate it.

However, for myself in my whey and protein shakes I use Almond milk…. we made sure to buy it without carageenan added in.

Just remember that not all milk is created equal so check the labels and know what the ingredients mean. For that is how a lot of us are taking in toxic things and hidden sugars. Know your milks! http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/not-all-milk-is-created-equal-heres-what-you-need-to-know/2015/02/06/24640146-7fca-11e4-81fd-8c4814dfa9d7_story.html

3. Kombucha

Kombucha is a favorite in my house! All of have it as an option and freely enjoy kombucha as often as we want.

It’s a great fermented drink that helps populate the gut with all sorts of goodness! Especially for me since I’m on so many medications due to my MS, going to the bathroom has become an issue at times. Not to mention belly bloat!

4. Kefir

I also offer milk and water kefir. Both are very good for you and they have a taste that my husband and son had to aquire

but I love milk kefir. We drink it plain or flavored with fruit or Stevia,  whatever I have on hand.

Kefir is full of probiotics that aid in digestion, boost immunity,(which is an added bonus for my immunity messed up MS self) and more. So much more! Plus it also is very inexpensive and easy to make yourself, and if you’re like my husband and son, then you can hide it in other things.

5. Coconut water

Coconut water is also a great alternative to both fruit juice and sports drinks which also contain lots of additives and sugar. Coconut water is very super hydrating and its full of vitamins and minerals! My husband however hates coconut so he won’t even touch the glass or container this stuff sets in…lol

6. Herbal teas

Herbal teas is another favorite drink that my son enjoys as long as its cold Stevia sweetned and me an my husband consume it that way as well and warn team in the winter….yes we consume te year round.


Good girl moonshine is a “Trim Healthy Mama” beverage that we drink all the time. Its called a sipper because you can drink on it all day long. It is also a fuel pull beverage because it contains no carbs, fats, etc so its a freebie oh and this contains no alcohol by the way so the name can be misleading.  http://www.galonamission.com/strawberry-good-girl-moonshine-fp/ this is my favorite version of this drink for it includes strawberry’s! This gal here is one of my favorites I follow on Pinterest for she shares great THM recipes that we all love in my family:)

Good girl strawberry moonshine thats non alcoholic. It is low in carbs and calories but full of healthy stuff which is good for those of us with ms and ms symptoms.
Good girl strawberry moonshine that’s non alcoholic. It is low in carbs and calories but full of healthy stuff which is good for those of us with ms and ms symptoms.

So, do we ever consume fruit juice?

We do on occasion drink fruit juice. However, we understand that fruit juice is a treat, and not an everyday staple.

At home, we only drink fruit juice that we make ourselves by adding it in our juicer. Me and my husband like to juice our greens and to make them easier to get down we will add some fruit to it. We like to add orange, apple, and berry juices in small quanitites. So how do you do your juice?

Please click on the associated links in today’s post…they contain great information for you by other great writers and blogists pertaining to today’s topic.

Helping those with and without ms and ms symptoms to live a more natural and organic healthier way of life while treating their disease and its symptoms naturally at the same time.
Helping those with and without ms and ms symptoms to live a more natural and organic healthier way of life while treating their disease and its symptoms naturally at the same time

Why not the Paleo diet for those with MS?

I highly suggest caution toward paleolithic type diets as much as I do toward vegetarian diets. This is a fad diet and like other fad diets it may work for a short while, but will end in disaster in the long run. The Paleo or cave man diet swings toward the extreme. Its founded on the believe of a cave man that was named “Grok” sustained the perfect diet. And so thats how we should eat as well. I highly disagree with this belief. Paleo teaches that grains are a modern food and our bodies are not able to process or digest them. This diet also states that we shouldn’t eat legumes, beans, or lentils as well. Dairy is frowned upon for its not in it’s natural state and is cultured. As the belief goes, cavemen ate mainly fatty means like a whole lot of pork fat, eggs, nuts, and fruit. Yep thats about it. This diet says we should do the same with the exception of a few root veggies now and then. You’d be surprised of how popular this diet is now for those with Multiple Sclerosis. Go into any bookstore and you will see it displayed on end caps. etc. Millions are following it and it’s still gaining in popularity. Don’t get me wrong this diet does have some merit…our culture does over do in the grain department and some do have an allergy to grains. Our grains are not like those that people ate back in biblical times. Its refined and nothing close to what the Israelites would have eaten. Maybe the reason they had no issue is because their grains weren’t like our Western diet grains abundant in modern hybridized grains. We now see people all around with allergies and sensitivities to our brand of grains. Well were now paying the price for our modern hybridized grains. Have you noted the boom in gluten intolerance? Ever wondered why? Have you noticed those who are gluten intolerant are also usually diabetic? A lot of that problem is because those things used as substitutes for “gluten free” have a heavy role in causing unstable rise in blood sugars. So beware of filling up on gluten free products that use rice and other grains in place of wheat. They can make you both fat and sick! Paleo diet advisors encourage people to use non grain flowers like coconut, flax, and almond but not because of the sensitivities, but because they believe all other grains are bad. They look down on grains and are in opposites of what the Bible teaches as being good, and that is where we part ways…I believe in God over man any-day. Believing in the Paleo plan is like a slap in the face to God. All through the bible you hear of breaking of the bread, and even in Gen 18:5 you hear that Abraham made a meal for his angelic visitors right along with animal foods. But take notice it was a “morsel” of bread and not a whole loaf! Jesus fed the multitude with fish and bread! We shouldnt fear grains, just have fear in the over doing of consuming them. More to come on my next blog post concerning the Paleo diet…TO BE CONTINUED

treating ms symptoms and ms naturally
treating ms symptoms and ms naturally

Frozen green gems…

So many times I have had to throw out fruits and veggies that I never got to eat and what a waste of money that became. Well I came up with the perfect solution! The ones I don’t get to eat I now simply juice or you can put them in a bullet and then I simply pour the liquid into ice cube trays and freeze them. After I freeze them I place them into a freezer container and use them as needed. I like to use these power packed gems in my smoothies and my shakes. Ice cubes for me make them thicker so I always use them. This cuts down the cost of me having to buy organic additives like protein powder for my shakes and smoothies. It also does away with the waste! So I’m saving money while still eating organic. You’ve just gotta try this!

Teaching those with ms and ms symptoms to eat naturally and organic while saving money.
Teaching those with ms and ms symptoms to eat naturally and organic while saving money.

Tuesday weekly deals on natural and organic products!


Weekly specials and freebies for those with ms and ms symptoms to help them control their disease naturally.
Weekly specials and freebies for those with ms and ms symptoms to help them control their disease naturally.

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Natural for the People

Check out the sales at Abe’s Market.  Loads of natural, organic and eco-friendly products on sale!  Here are just a few:


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FREE Kindle eBooks:

(Note: Prices can change without notice so please double check the price before purchasing)


Paleo Gluten Free Slow Cooker Recipes: Against All Grains (Paleo Recipes Book 4)

Gluten-Free Recipe Sampler: Delicious Recipes for Pizza, Biscuits and More from Our Favorite Cookbooks

The Strategic Grocery Shopping Guide: How to find the best food, save money and improve your health

Kindle eBooks for Less Than $1:

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Debt Free for Life: The Ultimate Guide to Get Out of Debt

Hat tip to Money Saving Mom for these eBooks!

This week’s best coupons:

Check back with me every Tuesday to get the latest deals and freebies on the web…my way to help you all stay with the natural and organic thing:)

Natural Poultice for pulling out splinters, poison ivy, and more.

One thing I can say is that other then my love for my grannie, I also have a love for the natural remedies she taught me growing up. Yes, my grannie had been doing the natural organic thing all along. Matter of fact believe it or not, thats what all the older generations did. As time moved on we used our so called new technology to make better foods, cures, etc. My grannie always said its not so. She said she refused to change to such things. I now understand her on this. Anywho I figured since Summer is now in full swing, our youngins will for sure be running into the most dreaded thing of Summer…poison ivy and the likes. Not to mention things like bee stings! So how do you treat these as natural and homeopathic as much as possible? Can it even be done?

First let me say yes it can. I am gonna share with you something from days gone by. Its called a poultice. What is a poultice you may ask?  Poultices are made of fresh or dried plant material. Here is a simple example of a poultice that would have been used by your grandmother: A plantain leaf poultice, they would just chew up a bit of the leaf and then place the pulpy mass on the rash or affected area. They would then make sure to discard the old and replace it with a new one every once in a while. The poultice would pull the toxins out and you don’t want that to lay against your skin once its full of toxins which would irritate the skin.  If you have something against chewing a weed put some of your saliva on the bite then crush and roll the leaves in your hands and apply.

So where do you get plantain leaves at? Believe it or not they are probably right under your feet! It is a weed that grows everywhere, and most combat it out in their yards and gardens cause it grows in abundance. I will attach a photo so you will be able to identify it. If you decide to use this to treat rashes, bug bites, etc just make sure to pick it from an area that hasn’t been sprayed with any type of pesticide. Plantain is also good at drawing out splinters. Place some over the splinter and cover with a bandaid and in a short time you will see the splinter laying on the skin service. This is by far one of the best puller plants I know of. Ever used it? let me know in the comments!

Plantain for natural remedies for those with ms and ms symptoms to treat naturally.
Plantain for natural remedies for those with ms and ms symptoms to treat naturally.

Is whats in your shampoo hurting you?

Ever wonder whats in your shampoo bottle? If you have ever read the side of the bottle you may have noticed this one ingredient “Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) If you don’t see it then it means your shampoo is  sulfate free. Usually you won’t even have to look for it would be mentioned in big bold print on the front of your bottle…By now you should have heard the hype from your hair stylist about using sulfate free shampoos… maybe you’ve wondered what exactly is the big deal about sulfate free shampoo and using it as a cleansing agent for my hair?

I know I did after being diagnosed with MS. I was taught how important it was to watch now what I put on and in my body and after a bit of research, I’m glad that I now use sulfate free shampoo. Sometimes I wonder if MS has taken or saved my life.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a very inexpensive, but a rather powerful, oil cutting agent that also helps aid in the foaming of soaps and shampoos. It’s been used for years in all types of soap and soap products from our shampoos to body cleaning products. Its also used in heavy degreasing agents that mechanics and the commercial industries use to clean their shop floors. So to break it down into lamen terms, SLS is the soapy in your soap. We like to put two and two together and think well soap plus bubbles equals clean right? Whats wrong with that?

This is a great ingredient in my shampoos too, right? I need my shampoo and soaps to be full of soap bubbles and able to cut the over abundance of oil I have. This is the best kind of clean right?…The huge issue here is that, even in diluted minute quantities, SLS can be irritating to the head and scalp, as well to your skin. Have you ever gotten that dreaded  shampoo in your eyes? Burned like hell already right? SLS is likely the cause of your now burning, reddened, tear draining eyes. As if this shouldn’t be enough to make one want to use a SLS free shampoo. The primary reason that I’m not a fan of and do not use SLS, is because it has been studied and shown to damage and to be toxic to the hair follicle. Damaged hair follicles can cause the hair to not grow, to fall out, and to produce weak and thin hair.

Eek! I already have hair loss right along with thinning hair! I’m trying to grow it, not to make it fall out even more here.

Additionally, there seems to be data from studies that show sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)  can also cause cancer in people, immune system damage (With MS I think I have plenty of that), and its toxic and causes great damage to the skin. Debate over this issue has even been the pic of subjects over an urban legend investigating to see if is real or just a rumor or scare put into us. As of now, SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate has not been ordered to be removed from our shampoos and other body and cleaning agents by the FDA as unhealthy or a cancer causing shampoo ingredient. With all the date one has to wonder why that is….shampoo